This Thursday, October 13, the Círculo Ecuestre had the pleasure of hosting the conference by Antonio Martorell Lacave, Chief of Staff of the Navy, General Admiral.
The one who has been Commander of the Minesweeper "Miño", first Commander of the Minesweeper "Turia", Commander of the 1st MCM Squadron, Commander of the Atlantic Alliance and Commander of the Amphibious Assault Ship "Castilla", spoke about the role of the armed in the current national and international scenario and gave attendees his vision of the future in the face of the "rapid and often unpredictable" evolution of the geostrategic and technological environment.
Martorell Lacave, Diploma in General Staff and specialist in Submarine Weapons, explained to the attendees the need for a decisive and relevant navy in times of "multipolar disorder" with a "three-way confrontation" that has led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The Chief of Staff of the Navy declared to the members of the Círculo Ecuestre that "changes are coming that are very difficult to follow" that "require a great capacity for adaptation for the navy of the future": "It is a change of direction that will lead us to a new posture of deterrence and defense and to a reinforcement of the military capacities of the member states”, he explained.
Faced with this paradigm shift, Martorell Lacave explained that "the Ministry of Defense has initiated the digital transformation of the organization, with intelligent bases and comprehensive logistics management systems" in preparation for a possible attack.
The Admiral General did not want to miss the opportunity to draw an outline of what the confrontation in Europe will be like if it finally takes place: "It will surely be short, but the periods of crisis or tension may be lengthened." Faced with this situation, the Admiral General stressed the need for the navy to have self-sufficient self-protection material and protected by artificial intelligence.