Last Monday, February 5, the Círculo Ecuestre held the colloquium Barcelona, towards the future of tourism with one of the most representative businessmen in the hotel sector: Gabriel Escarrer, presid..
The Círculo Ecuestre has inaugurated a new cycle of colloquiums called Opinion Leaders, whose objective is to bring together the directors of the main national media. The club had the privilege of hav..
On January 23, the Círculo Ecuestre received Esteban González Pons, deputy secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, as the protagonist of the colloquium held at the Barcelona institution.After th..
Last Tuesday, November 28, the Círculo Ecuestre received Jorge Azcón, president of the Government of Aragon, who starred in the first colloquium of the quarter of the Autonomous Presidents Cycle promo..
Last Tuesday, November 21, Curro Nicolau, Chairman of Go Energy Group, participated in the colloquium Green Hydrogen: Barcelona's role in the necessary path towards industry and sustainable mobility, ..
On November 16, the Círculo Ecuestre received María José Rubio, a prominent historian, writer and academic at the Royal Academy of Historical Sciences of Toledo, who led the colloquium El General Prim..