Last Wednesday, June 7, the Círculo Ecuestre became the setting chosen by the pro-equity researcher Laura Sagnier to present the conclusions of her latest research, Women and men, today. Equality or inequality?

The presentation, which took place in the club's auditorium, included an outstanding presentation by Antonio Delgado, president of the Círculo Ecuestre, who was the master of ceremonies in charge of giving way to the protagonist of the act.

Sagnier, researcher and disseminator of the Being a woman today challenge, presented the unprecedented results of her new research, financed, directed and carried out by herself, with the pro bono collaboration of a team of consultants and analysts from PRM Market Intelligence, before the partners of the institution.

The equity expert reviewed the conclusions of her pioneering research on the state of the gender gap in Spain and gave way to Anna Caballé, professor of Spanish literature, biographer and literary critic and National History Award winner in 2019, who joined the conference to talk with the author and answer the doubts and questions of the attendees.

During the presentation, the researcher explained to the attendees the objective of her analysis: "to contribute to generating a constructive debate on the point at which the gender gap is found in Spain", and explained the study method used to extract the most objective, reliable and comparable results possible: “interviews with 1,000 men and 1,000 women between the ages of 18 and 64 residing in Spain”. He also added that the sample has been designed considering the geographical area, age and level of studies according to the latest INE data and that the interviews have been carried out using the CAWI (computer-assisted web Interviewing) methodology to guarantee the greatest possible sincerity by the people interviewed.



After enumerating the different themes that the research encompasses, the author revealed to the public that, as a result of the data extracted from the study, she has found two major conclusions: “It costs men twice as much as women to perceive inequalities that they face" and that "for both men and women, talking about inequalities is a much better understood concept than talking about feminism."

The speaker concluded her presentation by arguing some keys to help reverse the situation of low perception of inequality by a sector of society, such as: "do not disclose advertising and sexist content on social networks", "disseminate the results of the investigation" and "do not follow toxic characters on social networks or the media."

The conclusions of the investigation Women and men, today. Equality or inequality? They were a great learning experience for the attendees who attended the event. The knowledge shown in Laura Sagnier's presentation was a great showcase of reality for the men and women of the Círculo Ecuestre.

For more information about Laura Sagnier: