What is proptech and why is everyone talking about this concept? Last Thursday, December 1, the Círculo Ecuestre received Vicenç Hernández, President of the National Association of Real Estate Agents of Spain and author of the book Revolución Proptech, to answer all questions.
The proptech expert came to the Barcelona club at the hands of the New Initiatives Committee (CNI) in the context of an informative breakfast. After the welcome by the President of the CNI, Miguel Tarazón, the speaker channeled his discussion through the socioeconomic context that has fostered its growth and has positioned it as an independent and regenerative real estate sector.
During the talk, the youngest members of Ecuestre understood the convergence of circumstances that have led the grouping of innovations and the application of new technologies in the real estate sector to become one of the main recipients of investment in the entrepreneurial world. Also how this new aspect has managed to disrupt such a traditional sector.
Thanks to his experience in the real estate world, Vicenç Hernández warned attendees about the situation of proptech in Spain and Europe. The talk also gave rise to an interesting debate in which the situation of the real estate sector and the risks and opportunities that this type of company has on the horizon were discussed.
Lastly, the need to channel collaborative economy systems so that more traditional companies and proptech companies can go hand in hand was discussed, an idea that sounded very attractive to the attendees.