The journalist and writer Tomás Alcoverro, correspondent for decades in the Middle East, Paris and Athens, and author of more than seven thousand chronicles for the international section of various media, presented his latest book, Todo por decir, on February 22, in the Círculo Ecuestre.

A lifetime between wars

The event began with a welcome from the club's president, Antonio Delgado, and with the moderation of Màrius Carol, Editorial Advisor of La Vanguardia. During the event, Alcoverro brought to the attention of the attendees hard episodes that he narrates in the work and that he experienced in his own flesh during his time between Cairo and Tehran, such as the burial of Násser, the return of Khomeini and the Arafat of Black September , the mythologized Israeli kibbutz of 1967 or the last big explosion in the port of Beirut.


During the presentation of the book, the author also commented on curious anecdotes, such as when he shared a plane flight with Josep Tarradellas who brought him back from exile or when he invited Gabriel García Márquez to a paella in Badalona.

A captivating event

The writer and journalist, member of the club and recognized with a Creu de Sant Jordi and with the Vázquez Montalbán International Journalism Award, managed to captivate the audience by recounting his incredible experiences. The presentation of his work was sensational and received great praise from the public.