Last October 4, the Círculo Ecuestre had the pleasure of receiving Luís Seguí, Founding Partner & CEO Miura Partners, and Clara Campàs, founding partner of Asabys Partners and graduate in Pharmacy and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The experts in private equity discussed the importance of private capital in the Barcelona economy together withManel Manchón, Deputy Director of Metropolis Abierta.

During the colloquium, the speakers positively highlighted the positioning of the Catalan capital in the private capital sector. They agreed that the trend towards verticality and specialization made Barcelona a great competitor of Madrid. Campàs, an expert in private investment in the health sector, also wanted to highlight the strength that Barcelona has in the sector.

The analysis carried out by both experts detected Some of the obstacles in the private equity sector. The two agreed that "doing business is more expensive in Spain than in other territories", since "taxation determines where the ecosystems of international private capital are installed and created". Given this, the speakers stressed the importance of being more competitive on a large scale: “although talent feels better treated in other regions, the growth of success stories in Spain allows for a scaling up of capital private”.

I continued and Campàs concluded their presentation at the Círculo Ecuestre by calling on the administrations to invest more in private capital and encourage themselves to strengthen ties in public-private partnerships.

Here We leave you the complete session: