The renowned Spanish designer Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada filled the Círculo Ecuestre with charisma and authenticity during the presentation of her latest book, My Story, which took place at the club on Tuesday, January 31.

After the welcome from Antonio Delgado, president of the Círculo Ecuestre and the presentation of the businessman Joaquín Güell, Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada held a relaxed dialogue with her cousin, the renowned conductor Javier Güell, in which they reviewed some of the most important aspects of the creator's life, embodied in her new work.

Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada reveals her feelings towards the partners

Before the watchful eye of more than a hundred attendees, Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada discussed the healing process that writing this book has meant for her. "The book has been my particular psychoanalysis", she pointed out.

The Spanish fashion icon claimed to have been “in glory” with the publication of the work, a creation in which she confirmed that she had shown herself “more transparent than ever”. In the words of Güell, the best thing about Ágatha's book is not so much what she tells, but "the character that reveals itself and takes on a life of its own in the work".

After commenting on some of the latest events that have made her "stronger and much less discreet", the writer of My Story defended that her aristocratic origins have given her "more handicaps than opportunities":

"It has nothing to do with the position in the you are born to succeed. Coco Chanel was in an orphanage and I have spent my whole life working to achieve what I have done”.


Return to Barcelona

Asked by those attending the colloquium, Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada also took advantage of the event to take an X-ray of Barcelona, a city that marked her childhood and which she had not visited for five years. The author has revealed "being afraid to return" after the criticism she received when opening a parade in Madrid with the Royal March and advocated improving connections between the two capitals: "You have to be much more open and weave an air bridge with Madrid. That is the advice I give to Barcelona”.

The sincerity that characterizes her and her spontaneous and fresh attitude were received with a great reception by the members of the Círculo Ecuestre, who made her feel “at home”, as she herself stated.